Mounting A Floppy from the GNOME Desktop

Bob Perry rperry4 at
Sat Aug 28 15:31:35 PDT 2004

Section 7.10.1 of the Nautilus 2.6.3 help text instructs you to
open the Computer icon on the GNOME desktop and double click
on the Floppy object if you wish to mount a floppy diskette.  The
only objects in my Computer dialogue box are the FileSystem
and Network objects.  There is a floppy folder in the FileSystem
file but I was expecting an icon/object as indicated.  This is my
fstab data:

# Device Mountpoint FStype  Options   Dump  Pass#
/dev/fd0  /floppy   msdos   rw,noauto  0     0

Is there other inofrmation available which will help me resolve 
this issue?

Thank you.
Bob Perry

I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly

FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p2 #0

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