rep-gtk2 on 6-current

Barney Wolff barney at
Sat Aug 21 21:10:41 PDT 2004

There seems to be something strange about rep-gtk2 on 6-current.
It insists on installing into /usr/X11R6/libexec/rep/i386-pc-freebsd5
despite OSREL being properly 6.0 in the makefile.  The problem then
is that make package looks for it in ...-freebsd6, as it seemingly
should, and does not find it.  I tried but failed to see where in
the twisty maze of makefiles REP_EXECDIR is set incorrectly.

Aside from that, when I tried in desperation to rm -rf /usr/X11R6/libexec/rep
and reinstall, it would not build, looking for in ...freebsd5.
How can it require a previous installation to install itself - is anybody
allowed to do that other than gcc?

Barney Wolff

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