Evolution 1.4.6 attachment error

Mike Patterson mpatters at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Apr 23 15:45:29 GMT 2004

On Fri, 2004-04-23 at 11:02, Damon Butler wrote:
> After some experimentation by a coworker, we've discovered that the
> attachment icons for Evolution will show up ... but only if you're
> running the Gnome desktop environment. In Gnome, Evololution just works.
> Outside of Gnome, this does not appear to be the case. For reference, I
> employ Fluxbox, and though my Gnome ports lists is complete, I can't see
> my attachments.

As Joe said, you may need to run the gnome-settings-daemon.  I found the
same thing you did til I put
/usr/X11R6/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon &
into my .xinitrc.  (I use WindowMaker.)

I found that doing this overrides my WindowMaker settings for things
like mouse control and my desktop background.  Setting those in
gnome-control-center "fixed" it.  I don't know if there's a way to tell
the g-s-d "I don't use GNOME, so don't touch these things".



>NT is a one-legged cow, but even a one legged cow is fast when it's 
>got 160+ rockets strapped to it. 
But that's not that impressive if all you can make it do is go 
around in circles. - Nick Manka and Darrell Fuhriman, monks 

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