multible port update question

Franz Klammer klammer at
Thu Apr 22 17:18:28 GMT 2004

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

>On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 07:37, Franz Klammer wrote:
>>it's my first time i did it and therefore i will ask before sending a PR:
>>how must a patch look like to update multiple ports in different categories?
>>is the diff blow correct?
>I prefer that the patch is relative to the ports directory.  That way, I
>can cd to my checkout ports, and just do a patch -p < file, and it does
>the right thing.  Of course, making it relative from /usr isn't bad,

made a new patch relative to the ports directory:

hope it's basically ok.

but I've found some mistakes in my diff after sending the PR :-(

sending a follow up soon...



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