update of GNOME ports for non-GNOME users

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Tue Apr 20 15:24:38 GMT 2004


I'm not a gnome user. That is to say that I've never
installed GNOME myself. However, I use a number of programs
that depends on gnome libraries or components (USE_GNOME or
WANT_GNOME set to yes in their Makefiles). The two that come
to my mind now are gaim (net/gaim) and dia (/graphics/dia).
But I may have others around.

Upon trying to upgrade gaim to 0.76_1, portupgrade needs to
update glib to glib-2.0.400 (glib-2.4.0) and then says that
if I'm not following the instructions outlined in faq26 I
should cancel the upgrade. So I did.

My question is then: should I follow faq26 and run the
gnome update script? I don't want to end up with GNOME
installed on my machine. Would the script only update
installed components and libraries?

Thank in advance for any suggestion or clarification,


PS: please CC me since I'm not subscribed to the list

F e r n a n   A g u e r o

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