bug in libkse?

David Xu davidxu at freebsd.org
Tue Nov 18 04:17:54 PST 2003

Alexander Leidinger wrote:

>On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:32:18 -0500
>Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at marcuscom.com> wrote:
>>>>>Has anyone contacted the threads people? There's either a bug in libkse
>>>>>or in libc_r.
>>>>No, I haven't.. I didn't know there has any bug in libkse or libc_r 
>>>>that cause gdesklets not work. Well, I don't know how to explain and 
>>>>show there's bug in libc_r or libkse. I just explain about gdesklets 
>>>>work a little on libkse, but not on libc_r? Also, show the code of 
>>>>SysInfo or Weather's thread?
>>>i think i've found the problem. could someone approve this?
>>>to make it run, please change gdesklets/sensor/Sensor.py in this way:
>>That seems reasonable to me.  C applications need to do
>>gdk_threads_init() before using threads.
>I still think this is 'some kind of' a bug in libkse. Even if using
>libkse is possible without calling threads_init() it should IMHO print
>some kind of a message if it isn't called (if possible).
>David, can you throw some light on this issue?
The information is not enough, what is libkse problem ?
if gdk needs to call a routine to initialize its internal data
structure before enabling threading support, it is not libkse's
problem, thread library does not know what upper layer library
want to do.

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