gnomepilot2 gpilotd

Bob Van Valzah Bob at VanValzah.Com
Thu Apr 24 11:15:22 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 11:21, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> You can't use Evo with Palm support under GNOME 2.

Ignorance is indeed bliss!  I've had no trouble doing this except that:

     1. I have to run gnomecc if I ever need to change the
        configuration, and
     2. I have to manually start gpilotd.

Not pretty, but it works.  I guess I just stumbled into a working setup
because there were enough GNOME 1 pieces left laying around on my
machine even after I upgraded to GNOME 2.

> You can install Evo 1.3 on top of GNOME 2.2.1.

Hmmm.  That's good news, but I'm not sure I understand the details. 
Would I have to do a partial marcusmerge or something?  Otherwise how
would I keep marcusmerge from pulling in GNOME 2.3?


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