mozilla 1.3

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Fri Apr 18 14:45:19 PDT 2003

Mike Hoskins writes:

>> After stepping up to Mozilla 1.3_1,2 attempting to type in any dialog box
>> (password dialogs in Mozilla for protected websites, same dialogs in
>> Mozilla Mail for authentication, etc.) the program hangs and the only
>> solution seems to be a kill -9.
>Please disregard.  After a restart of X the behavior has not exhibited
>itself again.

When it happens again, try unmapping/remapping the window (iconifying
through the window manager or similar) or try to resize it (will send
it a configure notify); that seems to have done the trick when that
happened to me in the past.  Maybe it gives mozilla the kick it needs
to know that its master is watching it. ;)  Apart from that, it could
be the following mozilla bug:

Matthias Buelow
home: mkb/at/
uni:  mkb/at/

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