discovering new commits: FreshPorts

Dan Langille dan at
Wed Jul 1 21:51:20 UTC 2020

FreshPorts currently works off email. Receive a commit email, parse that email, do some database work.

The subversion revision number is contained in the email. That makes it easy for the code to do:

  svn up -r X
  make -V

FYI: FreshPorts stores all commits, just not the ports tree. They're all in there.

The technical work of converting a git log message into a FreshPorts database entry is done: That works.


The biggest remaining issue: what method should FreshPorts use to start working on a new commit? What process replaces the incoming svn commit email?

At present, there is no email for the git commits (re  It's only the svn commits.

I see these choices:

1- continue to process based upon incoming email, but use that only as the reason to wake up and check git for new commits. 

I don't know how commits arriving in svn relate to commits arriving in git - will they be there?

2 - repeatedly run 'git fetch origin' to check for new commits

We won't miss a thing - but that's rather DDosS-ish.

3 - a commit hook.  

The git repo hits up a FreshPorts url on each commit.

Insights welcomed.

Dan Langille

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