FreeBSD Git Repository Bundles

Charlie Li ml+freebsd at
Wed Dec 30 12:54:09 UTC 2020

Li-Wen Hsu wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 15:15 Kyle Evans wrote:
>> I'm currently publishing these bundles to freefall until I get yelled
>> at or until it's replaced by some official service,
> I also received suggestions of providing bundles. But after discussing with
> the people have this idea, we found that it’s more useful when the bundles
> are distributed through CDN and this is not our current case.
> If people with limited internet connection find bundles are useful for
> them, please let me know, I am happy to provide bundles through our mirror
> servers and seeking other better way to serve the bundle files.
Mozilla have been providing bundles for their Mercurial repositories
almost since the beginning of their distributed source control journey.
Their bundles are distributed through CDNs. In fact the first clone will
default to downloading the bundle, then updating to the latest changeset
in the default branch. Don't remember what git does in this department.

Regardless, bundles are extremely useful, even when internet connections
are stable.

Charlie Li
…nope, still don't have an exit line.

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