
Grzegorz Junka list1 at
Wed May 29 11:51:51 UTC 2019

On 29/05/2019 10:12, Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> Hi all,
> Presumably Ed will provide a kick-off message soon-ish for the git WG.
> Reading developers@ has been rather disheartening, mostly because *all* the
> talking points there are the same as the talking points that KDE went through
> whenever we switched from SVN (at the time, pretty much the largest SVN repo
> in the world) to git.
> Anyway: hi!
> I'm [ade] on IRC, adridg@ on mail, and Adriaan in real life. I wear KDE and
> FreeBSD hats, and have a fair amount of experience in juggling svn (FreeBSD),
> hg (when I did Solaris packaging) and git (KDE) repositories. I used darcs for
> a month, and CVS of course back in the '90s.
> If I may make a position statement to start off with (before Ed's kick-off):
> We need to know what the question is, and then we can untangle all the answers
> we already have.
> This sounds a lot like the Hitchhiker's Guide, really. Watching the BSDCan
> video it looks like core@ is asking the WG "to make the move to git happen".
> That's rather vague as a mandate and as a question: git for what? Which
> software or data artifacts are to be moved into git? Does that cover src,
> ports, docs in their current form? Is some form of repo-reorganization
> desired? Splitting repo's?
> Knowing the exact question helps steer discussions around workflow, tooling,
> and the documentation of workflow and tooling. ports/ *isn't* src/, and works
> quite differently. Tooling revolves around GitHub, GitLab, git command-line,
> etc. There's plenty to sort out there both philosophically and practically.
> All of this against the background of what's *fait accompli*.
> await(Ed)
> [ade]

Hi Adriaan,

What's WG? What BSDCan video you are talking about, is it possible to 
include any links? What's core@ and developers@? Can't see any such lists.

I've briefly checked the list archives in the last few months and 
haven't noticed any thread related to this "Introduction". What's going on?

If I may, if core@ was asking anything of anyone on this list they would 
likely post a question here, not do it through a BSDCan video?


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