Heads up: upcoming github teams/memberships cleanup

Ulrich Spörlein uqs at freebsd.org
Thu Jan 5 15:00:24 UTC 2017

Hey all,

we have several "teams" on github, that have no repository associated with
them (eg. secteam, or portmgr). I will soon remove these teams, as they
serve no purpose.

We are not using the github wiki or issue tracker and the base/doc/ports
repositories are essentially read-only on github as SVN is our canonical
source of truth. So instead of chasing who belongs to which team (e.g. with
every portmgr rotation), I will remove most of these groups that are not
being used to gate access to the non-base/doc/ports repositories.

I will also remove most admin groups as you can now promote members to be
"team maintainers" so we can use this going forward and this should keep
things more sane.

Speak up if you're using the current team structure for something else and
really need it, or if my changes cause problems otherwise.

I'll update this thread once the changes are in,


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