disk partitioning with gmirror + gpt + gjournal (RFC)

Nicolas Rachinsky fbsd-mas-0 at ml.turing-complete.org
Tue Oct 18 08:19:22 UTC 2011

* Alfred Bartsch <bartsch at dssgmbh.de> [2011-10-18 08:47 +0200]:
> I am going to use the following paritioning scheme on our servers and
> programmers' workstations running FreeBSD 8 (system disk):
> physical drive - geom_mirror - geom_part_gpt - journaled UFS
> with separate boot and swap partitions.
> create the UFS file systems (with labels):
> # newfs -L fbsdroot -J mirror/gm0p7.journal
> # Device            Mountpoint  FStype  Options          Dump    Pass#
> /dev/ufs/fbsdroot   /           ufs     rw,noatime,async 1       1
> Some questions:
> Is this disk configuration valid and robust? (I've just started testing)

If gmirror kicks one disk, you might end in an unfortunate situation
on the next reboot. Since gmirror won't use the kicked disk, gpart
will take it an make the partitions available as <diskX>p#. glabel
might use these instead of the labels on gm0p#. Ant then you use the
kicked disk.

To avoid this, do not use labels but refer to the partitions only as
gm0p# (or with the journal as gm0p#.journal).


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