A replacement for GEOM_LABEL's gpt/gptid

Andrey V. Elsukov ae at FreeBSD.org
Fri Apr 29 16:55:54 UTC 2011

On 27.04.2011 11:37, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
>> I wrote a small extension for the GEOM_PART class. It adds an ability
>> to GEOM_PART class to create partition labels for schemes which are
>> support them.

Hi All,

i got several successful reports from users, but now i decided to make
this functional available for another consumers.
New patch:

What it contains:
* gpt/gptid support removed from GEOM_LABEL class;
* new GEOM_ALIAS class added. This class has two public functions:
	void g_alias_create(struct g_provider *pp, const char *name);
	void g_alias_spoil(struct g_provider *pp);
* first two consumers of GEOM_ALIAS class are GEOM_PART and GEOM_DISK:

GEOM_DISK uses g_alias_create() to create aliases for disks, disk's
serial number is used for alias name.

GEOM_PART uses g_alias_create() to create aliases for labeled partitions
(gpt/gptid, apm and pc98).

How it looks like:

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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