How do I add a new HDD to encrypted RAID5 array?

ghostcorps ghostsblood at
Fri May 1 08:20:10 UTC 2009

Hi Guys,

 This seems liek a really basic question, I expect a simple 'no', but I
havn't found anything definative yet.

 I currently have a hardware RAID5 array (onboard using Intel Matrix)
encrypted with GELI, but I need to add 2 new discs to the array. If I add a
disc to the array and have it rebuilt with the Intel Matrix Storage Manager,
prior to booting FreeBSD will that destroy the encrypted data?

 If so, how can I decrypt the disk without copying the data to another

OS: FreeBSD 7.0 
Mobo: Asus p5b-e
HDDs: Seagate 500g SATA2

Please let me know if you need any other info.

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