gvinum & gjournal

Brian McCann bjmccann at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 04:14:27 PST 2009

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:33 AM, Ulf Lilleengen
<ulf.lilleengen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It think that it touches it because the .p0 contains the gjournal metadata in
> the same way that the volume does, so gjournal attaches to that before the
> volume. One problem is that gjournal attaches to the "wrong" provider, but
> it's also silly that the provider is exposed in the first place. A fix for
> this is in a newer version of gvinum (as the plex is not exposed) if you're
> willing to try.
> --
> Ulf Lilleengen

At this point, I'm willing to try anything, but preferably something
that's stable since this will be done to at least 15 identical devices
and sent out to various places, so I won't have physical access to the
machines if something were to go wrong.  I looked into graid3 and
booting off of a DOM/Flash card, but since I have 4 drives, that won't
work since graid3 requires 2N+1 drives.  The stuff I've found on
graid5 seems to say that it's all still really experimental and has
some bugs in it still. :(

That said...if you've got it, I'll try it. :)

Brian McCann

"I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I've got hundreds of
people waiting to abuse me."
                -- Bill Murray, "Ghostbusters"

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