fsck order/parallel on /dev/ufs/*

Raphael Becker rabe at uugrn.org
Sat Jan 10 13:19:14 PST 2009

Hi *,

fsck(8) tell me about how to fsck filesystems parallel on a "per drive"

     In preen mode, after pass 1 completes, all remaining file systems are
     checked, in pass number order running one process per disk drive in par-
     allel for each pass number in increasing order.

     In other words: In preen mode all pass 1 partitions are checked sequen-
     tially.  Next all pass 2 partitions are checked in parallel, one process
     per disk drive.  Next all pass 3 partitions are checked in parallel, one
     process per disk drive.  etc.

     The disk drive containing each file system is inferred from the shortest
     prefix of the device name that ends in a digit; the remaining characters
     are assumed to be the partition and slice designators.

my /etc/fstab looks like this:

/dev/ufs/ROOT           /                       ufs     rw 1 1
/dev/ufs/VAR            /var                    ufs     rw 2 2
/dev/ufs/USR            /usr                    ufs     rw 2 2
/dev/ufs/DATA2          /data                   ufs     rw 2 2
/dev/ufs/SPACE          /space                  ufs     rw 2 2
/dev/ufs/MULTIMEDIA     /data/multimedia        ufs     rw 2 2
/dev/ufs/HOME2          /home                   ufs     rw 0 0
/dev/ufs/PRIVATE        /private                ufs     rw 0 0

Some of the filesystems are on top of a partition/label, others are on 
top of a geli device, others may be md-devices etc. 

Is fsck able to find out the "real hardware"? Is fsck "geom-aware"?



$ uname -srm
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE i386

Raphael Becker          <rabe at uugrn.org>          http://rabe.uugrn.org/
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