xbox360 extension for review/debug

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at
Mon Jan 1 12:42:24 PST 2007


I've written an extension to /sys/geom/geom_mbr.c to slice up xbox360
hard disks and memory units.  The patch for revision 1.68 (i.e. CURRENT)
is at

Memory units are sliced up into two file systems, hard disks into three
(plus two non-filesystem slices).  This would normally be handled by the
 existing geom_mbr code, but Mircosoft didn't put a mbr / partition
table on the media :/

The code generates a new class XBOX360 which intends to detect and slice
up the media.  It is currently unusable, without an attached medium the
kernel panics during boot at xbox360_taste+0x82 in process g_up.  My
geom foo could use some help here :)  At least the 'geom' command in ddb
shows this new class (without consumers/producers).

(Microsoft also invented a new filesystem for the media, I'm currently
debugging a clone of msdosfs to parse this fileystem, see the -fs
archives of Nov/Dec 2006.)

GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0  4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6

"It won't fit on the line."
		-- me, 2001

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