glabeled units as consumers? gstriping swap and /tmp? (was Re: graid5 or gvinums - bootable?)

CyberLeo Kitsana cyberleo at
Sun Aug 12 15:24:40 UTC 2007

Howard Goldstein wrote:
> Arne, CyberLeo, sounds great, gmirroring the root partition seems a far
> more optimal approach than mine anyway. Thanks for setting me straight.
> A couple of other dumb questions if I may:
> - Is it possible (does it even make sense?) to glabel the consumers and
> specifying the appropriate bits of the resulting label as gmirror and
> graid5 consumers?

Not quite sure what you're asking. Labeling the disks, then using the
labels in the mirror or raid, or applying a label to the resultant
mirror or raid?

In the former case, I don't think that's necessary, given that the geom
taste functions will find the correct consumers regardless.

As for the latter, the geom providers are set up with unique, canonical
device names, so glabel may be unnecessary.

> - How are you all handling the swap slice?  (gstriping?)

Since my disks are not hot-swappable, the machines will need to reboot
to notice replacements anyways. A single swap slice in the same spot on
each disk works fine for me.

> - Is /tmp a good candidate for gstriping as well?  Assuming everything
> I've put in there is ephemeral anway.

In theory. I've never bothered, because I don't use /tmp for anything
more than what the OS itself uses. It's not worth the added complexity
for my applications.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting
<CyberLeo at CyberLeo.Net>

Furry Peace! -

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