new class / geom_raid5

R. B. Riddick arne_woerner at
Thu Jul 6 22:42:12 UTC 2006


My proposal for
is ready so far...

If somebody wants to test it, he or she can download it from

I was too tired to test it...
It seems to read in the non-degraded case... :-)

Rebuild is not possible, so I still have some work to do...
Oh! And I just had the idea, that immediately after creation a rebuild is
necessary. Or isn't it? Currently I dont do that...

Has somebody a nice test suite for geom_mirror?
With geom_nop consumers? Or so?

Does somebody know statistics about the probability of a fatal error in a RAID5
in comparison to a MIRROR? I mean: Since a RAID5 causes more work for the
hardware (for more than 2 consumers a write needs at least 2 reads and 2
writes), it is not so trivial...


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