gvinum behaviour on disk failure

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Mon Aug 28 13:54:22 UTC 2006

On 08/28/06 08:46, Alastair Watts wrote:
> R. B. Riddick wrote:

>>> Yes... I noticed gvinum was very different to Greg's original vinum 
>>> suite ;) But this seems to be a fundamental thing that's missing from 
>>> gvinum - the ability to recover from a drive failure and to be able to 
>>> service the request from a different plex.
>> Hmm... Does gmirror overcome these drawbacks?
> Don't know. If it doesn't then it's still a problem in my opinion :) We 
> have more machines using gmirror than gvinum (only 1 with gvinum), but 
> so far only the machine with gvinum has had a drive fail since FBSD 5.3 
> upwards.

I've had a drive that belonged to a mirrored die before, and didn't 
notice it until I logged in to the machine and poked around, so it did 
do its job.  I've also had a drive in a gmirror go bad, and it hung the 
whole box, but that isn't gmirrors' fault as far as I know.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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