gvinum behaviour on disk failure

R. B. Riddick arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 10:21:53 UTC 2006

--- Alastair Watts <awatts at pett.com.au> wrote:
> Am I missing something (perhaps data didn't get written to ad0, but then 
> shouldn't it have been in memory), or shouldn't gvinum have absorbed 
> this error and supplied the data from ad0?
> Or is this a known issue/bug? I searched but couldn't find a similar 
> reference on this list..
Hi Alastair!
Hi list!

I say, did u consider migrating to gmirror or graid3?
Or even graid5? ;-))
(now it has all new and compile-able files, that compile correctly... Thanks to
veronica (...) fluffles (...) net)

As far as I know, gvinum is not so good supported and has a lot of
dysfunctions/malfunctions and is just contained for people who want to stay
with vinum... vinum isnt so good supported since R5.X... But I am sure that
vinum was somewhen in R3/R4 a very good software-RAID-tool... I will never
forget it...


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