GJournal (hopefully) final patches.

Jan Srzednicki w at expro.pl
Thu Aug 10 19:21:59 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 09:52:02PM +0200, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm pleased to announce hopefully the final gjournal patches.
> Now you need to recompile the world and the kernel. Remember to add
> 'options UFS_GJOURNAL' to your kernel configuration file.
> If there will be no bug reports nor strong objections, I'd like commit
> gjournal in a week or two first to 7-CURRENT and then to 6-STABLE (maybe
> before 6.2-RELEASE, but it depends on testing and feedback from users).


I'd happily perform some testing, only if the aac(4) driver would also
be patched. I know I can run gjournal w/o the BIO_FLUSH feature, but
that would make any performance results rather worthles, wouldn't it?

Jan Srzednicki
w at expro.pl

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