Reliable RAID5 yet?

Ryan McDonald mcdonald.ryan at
Sun Mar 27 04:19:52 PST 2005

I have done what I *think* is an exhaustive amount of reading about
geom and vinum concerning RAID5.  My question is this.  Is there a
reliable RAID5 solution under geom?  I know you can do it vinum but
I'm afraid to use vinum as it seems its on the way out (being replaced
by geom).  I'm a recent Linux defector and RAID5 was pretty darn
simple over there.  I want to build an array that I will have for a
very long time to come and I'm afraid if I build it with vinum, a new
release of FreeBSD in the future will drop support for it.

If any of you guru's were building a software RAID5, how would you do
it?  I do NOT want to use a hardware RAID5 card.


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