NetBSD/OpenBSD Disklabels

Loren M. Lang lorenl at
Thu Jun 16 00:04:52 GMT 2005

I have been working on patching geom_bsd to be able to read netbsd and
openbsd disklabels that I have on my quad boot system.  I currently have
it working, but I have a couple of questions about the proper way to do
this.  The two major changes I had to make to geom_bsd were to increase
the number of partitions from 8 to 16.  I did this by defining
MAXPARTITIONS before any of the header files were included.  The second
change was to fix the offset calculations of the partitions.  Since the
c and d partitions are done a little differently, I couldn't rely on
there offsets to detect the offset of the disklabels.  I decided to use
the a partition instead since that's starts at the beginning of the
slice 99% of the time.  The most correct answer might be to ask the MBR
label what it's offset is if there is an MBR label underneath.  The
logic in geom_bsd seems to be that all offsets are relative to disk
where the c partitions offset starts at the disklabel unless any
partition starts before c, then offsets are assumed relative to the

The patch I am using is:

I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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