gmirror over network

stephane renoux s.renoux at
Thu Jun 9 12:44:39 GMT 2005


I am currently trying to set up a gmirror on a machine, using two different 
ggate providers from 2 machines in the same local network... :
I export ad0s1g from two different machines, to a third one.

I then create ggate0 and ggate1 on this 3rd machine, and then set up a 
gmirror with this 2 ggatec

my question is, is this realistic?

Cause i encounter many various problems, at different moments, that don't 
seem to always happen...
like writing during a gmirror component is being synchronized sometimes 
cause the gmirror to be lost, and the computer on which it is created to 

would this be because of my wrong geom use?

Thanks in advance,


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