Linux could write to read only files on FreeBSD NFS server

Luoqi Chen luoqi.chen at
Thu Feb 27 17:41:59 UTC 2020


This was actually a pretty old problem, I noticed it a few years back and
have been monitoring it when I upgrade the os on either the linux or the
freebsd side -- it's still present between the latest centos and freebsd as
of today. I meant to look into this issue myself, but had never found time
for it, that's why I'm writing to this list, maybe it's a known problem or
someone's willing to spend some time on it.

And here you go, the problem,

% cat ~/
cp /dev/null x
getfacl x
chmod -w x
getfacl x
echo aaa >> x
echo status $?
cat x
rm -f x
% sh ~/
# file: x
# owner: luoqi
# group: wheel

# file: x
# owner: luoqi
# group: wheel

status 0

The script was run on a centos inside a directory nfs mounted from a
freebsd. The append would fail for a centos/centos or a freebsd/freebsd
combo. It's very easy to reproduce, it doesn't depend on any specific
centos or freebsd version, nor on nfs version 3 or 4, nor on underlying
file system ffs or zfs.


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