Can one remove a specific file from all snapshots?

Borja Marcos borjam at
Mon May 21 07:05:33 UTC 2018

> On 21 May 2018, at 04:36, Michelle Sullivan <michelle at> wrote:

> Of course if it's making use of an appliance/existing hardware that uses ZFS by default/design you could always do something smart like creating a zvol for said data and formatting it with an FS type that doesn't do copy-on-write and doesn't have that type of snapshops etc... perhaps with a software mirror zvol if it's redundancy you're after... perhaps as a 'this is your secure/non snapshotted' drive export tag etc... 100's of solutions depending on the client needs.

Beware, the zvol will still do copy on write, you can do snapshots of a zvol, etc  :) 

The key in most cases is to exploit the flexibility of ZFS better. You can do as Michelle says, or just increase your dataset

Do you have data that needs more snapshots with a longer retention period? That must go to a separate dataset.

Conversely, data that needs a shorter retention period? Separate datasets.

Data that might require a rollback without affecting others? (Example, a user’s home directory in a file server in case of a ransomware incident) Separate dataset

And so on. I guess some still treat datasets like disk partition in the old times, with a limited number per disk. 



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