A request for unnested UFS implementation in MBR

Manish Jain jude.obscure at yandex.com
Sun Jul 8 23:34:12 UTC 2018

On 07/09/18 04:34, Gary Palmer wrote:
> I do not understand why you need to create the BSD label.  Nothing
> in the GEOM framework is forcing you to do that
> Is this for a bootable disk or just storage?

Perhaps my understanding of the situation was incomplete.

Following up on your reply, I see that creating UFS directly on the 
freebsd slice does seem to work well:

/root <<: gpart destroy -F da0
da0 destroyed
/root <<: ls /dev/da*
/root <<: gpart create -s MBR da0
da0 created
/root <<: gpart add -t freebsd da0
da0s1 added
/root <<: newfs /dev/da0s1

1) Is that a standard, acceptable way of working with UFS ? I have 
always thought the only way to use UFS under MBR was to first a BSD nest.

2) And also, I think cannot get that behaviour during FreeBSD 
installation with MBR + UFS, which stills leads to creation of the
unnecessary 'a' device when a user installs FreeBSD on a single, primary 

Your answer - and my interpretation thereof - means possibly things are 
just fine the way they are   : - )

Thanks for replying.
Manish Jain

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