100.chksetuid handging on nfs mounts

Gerrit Kühn gerrit.kuehn at aei.mpg.de
Tue Dec 5 08:10:14 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I just found that the daily security job on a system here was hanging on
chksetuid due to a defunct nfs server. Specifically, it turned out that it
was hanging on this find:

find -sx / /dev/null -type f \( -perm -u+x -or -perm -g+x -or -perm -o+x
\) \( -perm -u+s -or -perm -g+s \) -exec ls -liTd \{\} \+

My understanding up to now was that "-x" should prevent find from
accessing mounted nfs dirs (/ is on local disk, the hanging nfs mounts
are somewhere under /data/...). Why does the thing still hang, and how can
I prevent this?


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