protecting zfs snapshot info

Borja Marcos borjam at
Mon Aug 14 06:54:27 UTC 2017

> On 12 Aug 2017, at 19:14, Mike Tancsa <mike at> wrote:
> Is there a way in zfs to protect non root users from seeing snapshots ?
> lets say a user makes a permissions mistake on a sensitive homedirectory
> on a Monday AM that is not discovered until the next day.  If there are
> a whole mess of snapshots created between those two points in time,
> there is no way to protect that directory without deleting the snapshots.

Good question and it’s a problem indeed. The .zfs directory is always created
and it can be hidden but it’s still accessible. It’s a security problem that prevents
an effective access revocation for a directory/file, I guess that’s what you mean.

Ideally, datasets should have a property preventing the snapshots to be auto mounted
when the relevant .zfs/snapshot directory was accessed or even preventing the creation
of .zfs.

Alternatively there could be a specific zfs permission covering this, like a  “snapaccess” for
snapshot access or “snapmount” for automatic mounting of snapshots, but it’s more
complicated to do.


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