zfs and st_nlink limit at 32767

Nagy, Attila bra at fsn.hu
Sat Mar 5 19:54:35 UTC 2016


If I create a million hard links to a file, stat -s says it has 32767:
$ stat -s 900402.24.t
st_dev=1709683738 st_ino=719745 st_mode=0100644 st_nlink=32767 
st_uid=1001 st_gid=0 st_rdev=4294967295 st_size=81688 
st_atime=1455881393 st_mtime=1455881393 st_ctime=1457206643 
st_birthtime=1457206536 st_blksize=81920 st_blocks=67 st_flags=2048

Is this a limitation somewhere which is hard to remove, or just an 
easily fixable "legacy" from the times, when all filesystems contained 
this limit?

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