NFS shares and jails

Julian Elischer julian at
Fri Aug 12 16:12:20 UTC 2016

On 12/08/2016 10:47 PM, Julien Cigar wrote:
> Hello,
> Let's say I have 10 jails on a machine that need access to the same NFS
> share. I wondered what was best: 10 NFS mount on the HOST (one for each
> jail), or 1 NFS mount on the HOST and 1 NULLFS mount per jail.. (10
> NULLFS in total)?

I'd guess 10 nfs mounts..  it depends on how much the jails SHARE the 
10 nfs mounts will never share anything but 1 nfs mount will share its 
data and
metadata before it hits the wire so there may be some caching effects.

> Thanks,
> Julien

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