All available memory used when deleting files from ZFS

Dustin Wenz dustinwenz at
Mon Mar 30 21:24:07 UTC 2015

I had several systems panic or hang over the weekend while deleting some data off of their local zfs filesystem. It looks like they ran out of physical memory (32GB), and hung when paging to swap-on-zfs (which is not surprising, given that ZFS was likely using the memory). They were running 10.1-STABLE r277139M, which I built in the middle of January. The pools were about 35TB in size, and are a concatenation of 3TB mirrors. They were maybe 95% full. I deleted just over 1000 files, totaling 25TB on each system.

It took roughly 10 minutes to remove that 25TB of data per host using a remote rsync, and immediately after that everything seemed fine. However, after several more minutes, every machine that had data removed became unresponsive. Some had numerous "swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer" errors followed by a panic, and some just died with no console messages. The same thing would happen after a reboot, when FreeBSD attempted to mount the local filesystem again.

I was able to boot these systems after exporting the affected pool, but the problem would recur several minutes after initiating a "zpool import". Watching zfs statistics didn't seem to reveal where the memory was going; ARC would only climb to about 4GB, but free memory would decline rapidly. Eventually, after enough export/reboot/import cycles, the pool would import successfully and everything would be fine from then on. Note that there is no L2ARC or compression being used.

Has anyone else run into this when deleting files on ZFS? It seems to be a consistent problem under the versions of 10.1 I'm running.

For reference, I've appended a zstat dump below that was taken 5 minutes after starting a zpool import, and was about three minutes before the machine became unresponsive. You can see that the ARC is only 4GB, but free memory was down to 471MB (and continued to drop).

	- .Dustin

ZFS Subsystem Report				Mon Mar 30 12:35:27 2015

System Information:

	Kernel Version:				1001506 (osreldate)
	Hardware Platform:			amd64
	Processor Architecture:			amd64

	ZFS Storage pool Version:		5000
	ZFS Filesystem Version:			5

FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #11 r277139M: Tue Jan 13 14:59:55 CST 2015 root
12:35PM  up 8 mins, 3 users, load averages: 7.23, 8.96, 4.87


System Memory:

	0.17%	55.40	MiB Active,	0.14%	46.11	MiB Inact
	98.34%	30.56	GiB Wired,	0.00%	0 Cache
	1.34%	425.46	MiB Free,	0.00%	4.00	KiB Gap

	Real Installed:				32.00	GiB
	Real Available:			99.82%	31.94	GiB
	Real Managed:			97.29%	31.08	GiB

	Logical Total:				32.00	GiB
	Logical Used:			98.56%	31.54	GiB
	Logical Free:			1.44%	471.57	MiB

Kernel Memory:					3.17	GiB
	Data:				99.18%	3.14	GiB
	Text:				0.82%	26.68	MiB

Kernel Memory Map:				31.08	GiB
	Size:				14.18%	4.41	GiB
	Free:				85.82%	26.67	GiB


ARC Summary: (HEALTHY)
	Memory Throttle Count:			0

ARC Misc:
	Deleted:				145
	Recycle Misses:				0
	Mutex Misses:				0
	Evict Skips:				0

ARC Size:				14.17%	4.26	GiB
	Target Size: (Adaptive)		100.00%	30.08	GiB
	Min Size (Hard Limit):		12.50%	3.76	GiB
	Max Size (High Water):		8:1	30.08	GiB

ARC Size Breakdown:
	Recently Used Cache Size:	50.00%	15.04	GiB
	Frequently Used Cache Size:	50.00%	15.04	GiB

ARC Hash Breakdown:
	Elements Max:				270.56k
	Elements Current:		100.00%	270.56k
	Collisions:				23.66k
	Chain Max:				3
	Chains:					8.28k


ARC Efficiency:					2.93m
	Cache Hit Ratio:		70.44%	2.06m
	Cache Miss Ratio:		29.56%	866.05k
	Actual Hit Ratio:		70.40%	2.06m

	Data Demand Efficiency:		97.47%	24.58k
	Data Prefetch Efficiency:	1.88%	479

	  Anonymously Used:		0.05%	1.07k
	  Most Recently Used:		71.82%	1.48m
	  Most Frequently Used:		28.13%	580.49k
	  Most Recently Used Ghost:	0.00%	0
	  Most Frequently Used Ghost:	0.00%	0

	  Demand Data:			1.16%	23.96k
	  Prefetch Data:		0.00%	9
	  Demand Metadata:		98.79%	2.04m
	  Prefetch Metadata:		0.05%	1.08k

	  Demand Data:			0.07%	621
	  Prefetch Data:		0.05%	470
	  Demand Metadata:		99.69%	863.35k
	  Prefetch Metadata:		0.19%	1.61k


L2ARC is disabled


File-Level Prefetch: (HEALTHY)

DMU Efficiency:					72.95k
	Hit Ratio:			70.83%	51.66k
	Miss Ratio:			29.17%	21.28k

	Colinear:				21.28k
	  Hit Ratio:			0.01%	2
	  Miss Ratio:			99.99%	21.28k

	Stride:					50.45k
	  Hit Ratio:			99.98%	50.44k
	  Miss Ratio:			0.02%	9

DMU Misc:
	Reclaim:				21.28k
	  Successes:			1.73%	368
	  Failures:			98.27%	20.91k

	Streams:				1.23k
	  +Resets:			0.16%	2
	  -Resets:			99.84%	1.23k
	  Bogus:				0


VDEV cache is disabled


ZFS Tunables (sysctl):
	kern.maxusers                           2380
	vm.kmem_size                            33367830528
	vm.kmem_size_scale                      1
	vm.kmem_size_min                        0
	vm.kmem_size_max                        1319413950874
	vfs.zfs.arc_max                         32294088704
	vfs.zfs.arc_min                         4036761088
	vfs.zfs.arc_average_blocksize           8192
	vfs.zfs.arc_shrink_shift                5
	vfs.zfs.arc_free_target                 56518
	vfs.zfs.arc_meta_used                   4534349216
	vfs.zfs.arc_meta_limit                  8073522176
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_max                 8388608
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_write_boost               8388608
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_headroom                  2
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_feed_secs                 1
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_feed_min_ms               200
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_noprefetch                1
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_feed_again                1
	vfs.zfs.l2arc_norw                      1
	vfs.zfs.anon_size                       1786368
	vfs.zfs.anon_metadata_lsize             0
	vfs.zfs.anon_data_lsize                 0
	vfs.zfs.mru_size                        504812032
	vfs.zfs.mru_metadata_lsize              415273472
	vfs.zfs.mru_data_lsize                  35227648
	vfs.zfs.mru_ghost_size                  0
	vfs.zfs.mru_ghost_metadata_lsize        0
	vfs.zfs.mru_ghost_data_lsize            0
	vfs.zfs.mfu_size                        3925990912
	vfs.zfs.mfu_metadata_lsize              3901947392
	vfs.zfs.mfu_data_lsize                  7000064
	vfs.zfs.mfu_ghost_size                  0
	vfs.zfs.mfu_ghost_metadata_lsize        0
	vfs.zfs.mfu_ghost_data_lsize            0
	vfs.zfs.l2c_only_size                   0
	vfs.zfs.dedup.prefetch                  1
	vfs.zfs.nopwrite_enabled                1
	vfs.zfs.mdcomp_disable                  0
	vfs.zfs.max_recordsize                  1048576
	vfs.zfs.dirty_data_max                  3429735628
	vfs.zfs.dirty_data_max_max              4294967296
	vfs.zfs.dirty_data_max_percent          10
	vfs.zfs.dirty_data_sync                 67108864
	vfs.zfs.delay_min_dirty_percent         60
	vfs.zfs.delay_scale                     500000
	vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable                0
	vfs.zfs.zfetch.max_streams              8
	vfs.zfs.zfetch.min_sec_reap             2
	vfs.zfs.zfetch.block_cap                256
	vfs.zfs.zfetch.array_rd_sz              1048576
	vfs.zfs.top_maxinflight                 32
	vfs.zfs.resilver_delay                  2
	vfs.zfs.scrub_delay                     4
	vfs.zfs.scan_idle                       50
	vfs.zfs.scan_min_time_ms                1000
	vfs.zfs.free_min_time_ms                1000
	vfs.zfs.resilver_min_time_ms            3000
	vfs.zfs.no_scrub_io                     0
	vfs.zfs.no_scrub_prefetch               0
	vfs.zfs.free_max_blocks                 -1
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.gang_bang              16777217
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.debug_load             0
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.debug_unload           0
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.df_alloc_threshold     131072
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.df_free_pct            4
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.min_alloc_size         33554432
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.load_pct               50
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.unload_delay           8
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.preload_limit          3
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.preload_enabled        1
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.lba_weighting_enabled  1
	vfs.zfs.metaslab.bias_enabled           1
	vfs.zfs.condense_pct                    200
	vfs.zfs.mg_noalloc_threshold            0
	vfs.zfs.mg_fragmentation_threshold      85
	vfs.zfs.check_hostid                    1
	vfs.zfs.spa_load_verify_maxinflight     10000
	vfs.zfs.spa_load_verify_metadata        1
	vfs.zfs.spa_load_verify_data            1
	vfs.zfs.recover                         0
	vfs.zfs.deadman_synctime_ms             1000000
	vfs.zfs.deadman_checktime_ms            5000
	vfs.zfs.deadman_enabled                 1
	vfs.zfs.spa_asize_inflation             24
	vfs.zfs.spa_slop_shift                  5
	vfs.zfs.space_map_blksz                 4096
	vfs.zfs.txg.timeout                     5
	vfs.zfs.vdev.metaslabs_per_vdev         200
	vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.max                  16384
	vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size                 0
	vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.bshift               16
	vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_on_init               1
	vfs.zfs.vdev.mirror.rotating_inc        0
	vfs.zfs.vdev.mirror.rotating_seek_inc   5
	vfs.zfs.vdev.mirror.non_rotating_inc    0
	vfs.zfs.vdev.max_active                 1000
	vfs.zfs.vdev.sync_read_min_active       10
	vfs.zfs.vdev.sync_read_max_active       10
	vfs.zfs.vdev.sync_write_min_active      10
	vfs.zfs.vdev.sync_write_max_active      10
	vfs.zfs.vdev.async_read_min_active      1
	vfs.zfs.vdev.async_read_max_active      3
	vfs.zfs.vdev.async_write_min_active     1
	vfs.zfs.vdev.async_write_max_active     10
	vfs.zfs.vdev.scrub_min_active           1
	vfs.zfs.vdev.scrub_max_active           2
	vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_min_active            1
	vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_max_active            64
	vfs.zfs.vdev.aggregation_limit          131072
	vfs.zfs.vdev.read_gap_limit             32768
	vfs.zfs.vdev.write_gap_limit            4096
	vfs.zfs.vdev.bio_flush_disable          0
	vfs.zfs.vdev.bio_delete_disable         0
	vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_max_bytes             2147483648
	vfs.zfs.vdev.trim_max_pending           64
	vfs.zfs.max_auto_ashift                 13
	vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift                 9
	vfs.zfs.zil_replay_disable              0
	vfs.zfs.cache_flush_disable             0
	vfs.zfs.zio.use_uma                     1
	vfs.zfs.zio.exclude_metadata            0
	vfs.zfs.sync_pass_deferred_free         2
	vfs.zfs.sync_pass_dont_compress         5
	vfs.zfs.sync_pass_rewrite               2
	vfs.zfs.snapshot_list_prefetch          0
	vfs.zfs.super_owner                     0
	vfs.zfs.debug                           0
	vfs.zfs.version.ioctl                   4
	vfs.zfs.version.acl                     1                     5000
	vfs.zfs.version.zpl                     5
	vfs.zfs.vol.mode                        1
	vfs.zfs.vol.unmap_enabled               1
	vfs.zfs.trim.enabled                    1
	vfs.zfs.trim.txg_delay                  32
	vfs.zfs.trim.timeout                    30
	vfs.zfs.trim.max_interval               1


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