zfs on FreeBSD 8.2 64bit stuck in "One or more devices is currently being resilvered"

Motty Cruz motty.cruz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 22:44:15 UTC 2015

Can you describe what you did to replace the disk?

I sure can. I had spare hdd in the pool.
#zpool replace tank label/004 label/007b

  	    label/003             ONLINE       0     0     0
  	    replacing             DEGRADED     0     0     0
  	      433419809408607751  UNAVAIL      0     0     0  was/dev/label/007
  	      label/004           ONLINE       0     0     0  2.47T resilvered
  	    label/005             ONLINE       0     0     0

after two days of resilvering, the server became unresponsive. I reboot the server started to resilver again. after that I also
detached bad disk.
#zpool detach tank 433419809408607751

I have tried zpool clear tank but no success,

On 03/20/2015 03:32 PM, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>> Am 20.03.2015 um 23:25 schrieb Motty Cruz <motty.cruz at gmail.com>:
>> Hello Rainer,
>> a disk went bad, I had to replace it, soon after replacing the bad HDD it started the "resilver" process. Process went on and on for hours, unfortunately server stop responding, I was force to reboot. after rebooting started "resilver" process again, from zero. I put the HDD offline replace it "thinking it was a factory bad HHD" started the "resilver" process again.
> I would assume that the ZFS still thinks it’s the old disk somehow.
> This is what usually happens then.
> I’m not sure if an upgraded FreeBSD will help you with your resilver-problem.
> Can you describe what you did to replace the disk?

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