Multiple entries in ZFS "sharenfs" property?

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Mon Aug 3 13:49:01 UTC 2015

On 3-8-2015 14:42, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> On 03.08.2015 15:22, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> 'mmmm PR URL is missing, I looked but did not find anything.
>  It was in beginning of thread:

Yup, found it.

>> Just send you some code this morning.... Don't you have commit
>> bits??? So you could checkin a fix if you wanted?
>  I'm almost sure, that such commit to ZFS from me will be reverted
> ASAP :) there are some objections against such change in PR147881.

Which is sad....

The only objections from bugs.. (although not unimportant) were from
Martin Matuska. And they are more about the incompatibility between the
other versions for ZFS running on Solaris-variants...
He then closes with: Have you considered using /etc/exports.

Which is of course a dead giveaway, with that as argument why even
bother to export sharenfs.... Just block access to it, and have people
always use /etc/exports...., rip out the fsshare stuff, and there are no
more code incompatibilities.
And as far as I can tell fsshare.c is already a FreeBSDism?
So the mismatch with other OSes is there and will stay there.

It is not like you'd want to merge your pools to a different OS and
automagically upon import get NFS exports for that pool? As Sysadmin I'd
rather not have that happen.

The code in 147881 is quite a lot of lines, but does the trick.
The patch I made is a lot less and no comments allowed, does about the

The status of the report is still "In progress". So nobody saw fit to
close it. And thus it is still waiting for a fix??


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