9.3 NFS client bug?

Garrett Wollman wollman at csail.mit.edu
Tue Oct 7 21:50:08 UTC 2014

<<On Tue, 7 Oct 2014 17:06:02 -0400 (EDT), Rick Macklem <rmacklem at uoguelph.ca> said:

>> By ay chance is your ZFS server allocating a ZFS inode (whatever they
>> call it) with a fileno/inode# that doesn't fit in 32 bits?

Nope.  (And I want to emphasize that Ubuntu clients don't exhibit the
problem, so whatever it is, it doesn't appear to be related to the
backing filesystem on the server.)

> Btw, I tried your bonnie++ command on my test machines, but they failed
> part way through because they couldn't allocate boundary tags. (At least
> now I can reproduce that easily, although it is the M_NOWAIT case where
> the thread just loops in the kernel.)

You really need to get some server-class hardware.  Perhaps the
Foundation can help?

I'm currently using the following command, which seems to reproduce
the problem reliably on my client and server:

bonnie++ -s 0 -n 144:0:0:1:16384 -u 4294967294 -D

This minimizes the amount of temporary storage required.


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