RFC and testing: NFSv4.1 server going into head

Olav Gjerde olav at backupbay.com
Tue Jun 3 09:21:19 UTC 2014

This is great stuff! I'm wondering though, is there any reason that
the mount option for FreeBSD has to be different than Linux?

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Rick Macklem <rmacklem at uoguelph.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that the NFSv4.1 server code in projects/nfsv4.1-server is
> about ready to be merged into head.
> As such, if anyone has the resources to do so in the next 2 weeks,
> please take a look at the code and/or test it.
> Also, feel free to make any comments w.r.t. merging this code into
> head, such as preferred timing, whether or not you think it should
> happen, etc.
> If/when the merge is done, it will be fairly large, but shouldn't
> affect the NFSv3, NFSv4.0 server functionality (however, I may
> screw up and break them for a little while;-). I think NFSv4.1 might
> be useful, since it uses sessions to provide "exactly once"
> RPC semantics, which should improve overall correctness. This server
> code does not have any pNFS support in it. Implementing a pNFS server
> is a large project that may happen someday.
> Thanks in advance for any testing/review/comments, rick
> ps: The NFSv4.1 client is already in head and the options for
>     mounting with NFSv4.1 are "nfsv4.minorversion=1" for FreeBSD
>     and "vers=4,minorversion=1" for the Linux client.
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Olav Grønås Gjerde

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