copying files between zfs servers results in different data in these files

Thorsten Schlich thorsten.schlich at
Mon Jul 7 08:58:32 UTC 2014


i have a somehow crazy behaviour in copying files from one zfs server to

The files seem to be the same (same size, same timestamp, etc.) but
after copying the binary data differs at some data points between the
original and the copy.

ZFS is on both servers the standard filesystem.

server 1 is a freebsd 8.3 vm (update is in progress but for produtional
reasons it needs  some time) with a zpool named tank including one
virtual disk.

server 2 is a freebsd 9.2 hardware machine with 6x3 TB in raidz (1-0)
pool "tank"

The copy process is:
- find ./ -type f -atime +2 >/tmp/file.txt
- rsync the files named in /tmp/file.txt to server 2

For one day there are 15682 files copied and between 9000 and 10000
copied files differ from their original.

The difference is small. For 21.35 in the original there is a 21.85 in
the copy. But without any pattern (checked).As this are meteorological
data such a minor change is crucial to every calculation which comes later.

Copying between two VMs is no problem, all files are correct.

Only the machine with the raidz has this problem. Additionally the raidz
machine boots with a usb drive.

Both server are in the same room wired in the same network and can
access each other directly.

The version of rsync is all the same and zfs is the same version too.

Do you have any hints or suggestions where i could investigate further?

Thanks in advance for help. Below you can find the zpool and zfs


Configuration Server 1:

zfs get all tank
NAME  PROPERTY              VALUE                 SOURCE
tank  type                  filesystem            -
tank  creation              Mo Jan 13 15:40 2014  -
tank  used                  437G                  -
tank  available             193G                  -
tank  referenced            437G                  -
tank  compressratio         1.78x                 -
tank  mounted               yes                   -
tank  quota                 none                  default
tank  reservation           none                  default
tank  recordsize            128K                  default
tank  mountpoint            /space                local
tank  sharenfs              off                   default
tank  checksum              on                    default
tank  compression           on                    local
tank  atime                 on                    default
tank  devices               on                    default
tank  exec                  on                    default
tank  setuid                on                    default
tank  readonly              off                   default
tank  jailed                off                   default
tank  snapdir               hidden                default
tank  aclmode               passthrough           local
tank  aclinherit            passthrough           local
tank  canmount              on                    default
tank  xattr                 off                   temporary
tank  copies                1                     default
tank  version               5                     -
tank  utf8only              off                   -
tank  normalization         none                  -
tank  casesensitivity       sensitive             -
tank  vscan                 off                   default
tank  nbmand                off                   default
tank  sharesmb              off                   default
tank  refquota              none                  default
tank  refreservation        none                  default
tank  primarycache          all                   default
tank  secondarycache        all                   default
tank  usedbysnapshots       0                     -
tank  usedbydataset         437G                  -
tank  usedbychildren        322M                  -
tank  usedbyrefreservation  0                     -
tank  logbias               latency               default
tank  dedup                 off                   default
tank  mlslabel                                    -
tank  sync                  standard              default
tank  refcompressratio      1.78x                 -
tank  written               437G                  -

zpool get all tank
tank  size           640G        -
tank  capacity       68%         -
tank  altroot        -           default
tank  health         ONLINE      -
tank  guid           7522257494086463050  default
tank  version        28          default
tank  bootfs         -           default
tank  delegation     on          default
tank  autoreplace    off         default
tank  cachefile      -           default
tank  failmode       wait        default
tank  listsnapshots  off         default
tank  autoexpand     on          local
tank  dedupditto     0           default
tank  dedupratio     1.00x       -
tank  free           203G        -
tank  allocated      437G        -
tank  readonly       off         -
tank  comment        -           default

Configuration Server 2:
zfs get all tank
NAME  PROPERTY              VALUE                 SOURCE
tank  type                  filesystem            -
tank  creation              Fr Feb 14  8:13 2014  -
tank  used                  12,7T                 -
tank  available             5,10T                 -
tank  referenced            683M                  -
tank  compressratio         1.74x                 -
tank  mounted               yes                   -
tank  quota                 none                  default
tank  reservation           none                  default
tank  recordsize            128K                  default
tank  mountpoint            /space                local
tank  sharenfs              off                   default
tank  checksum              on                    default
tank  compression           gzip-9                local
tank  atime                 on                    default
tank  devices               on                    default
tank  exec                  on                    default
tank  setuid                on                    default
tank  readonly              off                   default
tank  jailed                off                   default
tank  snapdir               hidden                default
tank  aclmode               discard               default
tank  aclinherit            restricted            default
tank  canmount              on                    default
tank  xattr                 off                   temporary
tank  copies                1                     default
tank  version               5                     -
tank  utf8only              off                   -
tank  normalization         none                  -
tank  casesensitivity       sensitive             -
tank  vscan                 off                   default
tank  nbmand                off                   default
tank  sharesmb              off                   default
tank  refquota              none                  default
tank  refreservation        none                  default
tank  primarycache          all                   default
tank  secondarycache        all                   default
tank  usedbysnapshots       0                     -
tank  usedbydataset         683M                  -
tank  usedbychildren        12,7T                 -
tank  usedbyrefreservation  0                     -
tank  logbias               latency               default
tank  dedup                 off                   default
tank  mlslabel                                    -
tank  sync                  standard              default
tank  refcompressratio      1.94x                 -
tank  written               683M                  -
tank  logicalused           21,9T                 -
tank  logicalreferenced     1,28G                 -

zpool get all tank
NAME  PROPERTY               VALUE                  SOURCE
tank  size                   21,8T                  -
tank  capacity               70%                    -
tank  altroot                -                      default
tank  health                 ONLINE                 -
tank  guid                   4365850585010436054    default
tank  version                -                      default
tank  bootfs                 -                      default
tank  delegation             on                     default
tank  autoreplace            off                    default
tank  cachefile              -                      default
tank  failmode               wait                   default
tank  listsnapshots          off                    default
tank  autoexpand             on                     local
tank  dedupditto             0                      default
tank  dedupratio             1.00x                  -
tank  free                   6,49T                  -
tank  allocated              15,3T                  -
tank  readonly               off                    -
tank  comment                -                      default
tank  expandsize             0                      -
tank  freeing                0                      default
tank  feature at async_destroy  enabled                local
tank  feature at empty_bpobj    active                 local
tank  feature at lz4_compress   enabled                local

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