FreeBSD support being added to GlusterFS

Harshavardhana harsha at
Sun Aug 17 04:09:27 UTC 2014

On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Jordan Hubbard <jkh at> wrote:
> Thanks!  Just to make sure I understand for our own ports repo in FreeNAS-land:
> 1. You have updated the tarball but Baptiste is still maintaining the port, correct?

This i have no idea, i saw two people providing the 'shar' file so i
guessed both of them were working on it.

> If Baptiste would like someone else to take it over, I can probably coax one of our resident committers to do it as well.  We frankly have not been able to do any testing of glusterfs in FreeNAS yet since glusterd just catches a signal 10 whenever any glusterfs operation is performed.  Since this is also really early BETA software, I figured the FreeBSD port was still a bit green and I'd simply wait for it to get a bit more mature.  Now that you say you’ve gotten a regression suite up and running, I’m guessing the time to really push on it in FreeNAS 9.3-ALPHA is probably soon?

Do you know the issue of Signal 10? - can see the logs and verify
them, I have been able to run lot of tests myself - but most of it is
in FreeBSD 10.0. Currently every patch submitted for GlusterFS are
being smoke tested on FreeBSD and NetBSD through Jenkins CI (for
compile consistency), gearing up for final regression suite

This tarball was from the master branch which has all the necessary
fixes, adding to that recently we made a 'release-3.6' branch gearing
up for GlusterFS 3.6.0 which would have FreeBSD support - there is one
patch which is still missing from release-3.6 i.e moving off
/var/lib/glusterd ---> /var/db/glusterd on non Linux platforms, which
is was ported from master recently and currently under review.

I have gotten bits and pieces of regression tests running, the real
hurdle has been to get the pidof, pgrep functionalities right and the
pidof provided in 'sysutils' seems to be not working properly. Using
pgrep works for some cases and miserably fails on others.

NetBSD maintainer for GlusterFS made - - out of
sysvinit Linux package, after battling the same issues - which i think
should resolve those problems on FreeBSD as well, but i haven't gotten
around getting it ported/tested.

If some one is interested we can get the existing FreeBSD port of
pidof deprecated.

Another issue i saw was FUSE related which lacked FOPEN_DIRECT_IO
support for which i submitted a patch yesterday to get GlusterFS
internal "meta" module working, here is the relevant PR -

> 2. That said, it also sounds like updating the glusterfs port is going to have to wait for your cmockery2 port to get accepted and committed to the tree, since otherwise it won’t build - is that a correct assessment?
That is a correct assesment, but Cmockery2 is "patch ready" here - - just needs
to be pushed in if there are no other issues.

Let me know if you have further questions.

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