zfs_enable vs zfs_load in loader.conf (but neither works)

Lawrence K. Chen, P.Eng. lkchen at ksu.edu
Thu Sep 12 19:24:22 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> Adam Nowacki writes:
> > zfs set mountpoint=legacy data/root
> >   together with
> > zpool set bootfs=data/root data
> > 
> > setting vfs.root.mountfrom is not required - this is handled by the
> > bootfs property, as is listing / in fstab
> So what happens if multiple pools each have their bootfs set?
>   Mark
> _______________________________________________

Unless things have changed...the boot loader only looks at the first freebsd-zfs partition on the disk its booting.

Tripped me up once because originally I had a swap partition before my root zpool, but switched to in pool swap so I thought I would just turn the swap partition into an extra zpool.  Had hoped using zfs would fix the random disk errors in swap bringing me down, ended up keeping it swap but gmirror'd.  Later found I had a bad DIMM and a flaky controller....


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