benefit of GEOM labels for ZFS, was Hard drive device names... serial numbers

Daniel Kalchev daniel at
Mon Mar 4 10:39:07 UTC 2013

What you do when the disk is dead, and you don't know which one it is in 
a rather big rack full of disks?

Perhaps, you offline each and every disk in the system until you 
eliminate all but one? :)

Hint: all disks die sooner or later.


On 04.03.13 11:28, Peter Maloney wrote:
> I just use zfs offline, then dd to read the disk, and pull the one that
> blinks. :) zfs offline means the disk won't blink ever without me
> causing it, so there's no confusion.
> I would only use a labelling system if I could easily label the disks on
> the front too, but I don't have small enough labels... the disks have
> too much vent space, so I assume the labels would just fall off, block
> airflow, and be a hassle. And the servers are local, so dd isn't a problem.

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