what is the "correct" way to "replicate" mem stick with ZFS on it?

Zeus Panchenko zeus at ibs.dn.ua
Fri Aug 16 14:24:32 UTC 2013

Matt Churchyard <matt.home at userve.net> wrote:
> I personally would be wary of completely cloning the filesystem due to
> it having completely identical GUID's etc. I'm not sure how the system
> will behave when given two disks with identical pools.

I was unable to create pool with the name of the one imported

> You may be OK if you don't import the pools and there's no chance of
> two of the mem sticks being in the same machine again.

do you mean
1. on the mem stick A to export the pool ( the one to be clonned)
2. to create pool with the same name on the mem stick B
3. clone fs from pool on A to the pool on B

is it possible on exported pools?

> You could attach the new device as a mirror, then use the 'zfs split'
> command to split the second mem stick off into a new pool. This will
> require the new pool to have a unique name though, as with the ZFS
> send/recv option. Personally I would prefer one of these options, and
> to then use 'zpool import new-pool-name required-pool-name' to import
> the pool with the correct name when beginning to use it.

and this requires to remember the name of the new zfs-splitted pool, am
I correct?

Zeus V. Panchenko				jid:zeus at im.ibs.dn.ua
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC					  GMT+2 (EET)

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