ZFS: Failed pool causes system to hang

Quartz quartz at sneakertech.com
Wed Apr 10 19:46:19 UTC 2013

> Other options are, failmode=continue is described that the system
> will continue on as if nothing has changed.

> sure what it means the system will continue

I'm not sure ether. In my experience, there's effectively no difference 
between "wait" and "continue".

> The other option is failmode=panic.  Which might be what you want in
> this case, since you can't shutdown gracefully with all I/O hanging.

Well, what I *WANT* is a way to kick the pool or something so that the 
rest of the machine still functions. As it stands, I can't even reliably 
get the status of the pool, as I can't reliably run half the zfs commands.

it has a certain smooth-brained appeal

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