FreeBSD 8.2 - active plus inactive memory leak!?

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at
Wed Mar 7 08:23:56 UTC 2012

On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 12:36:21AM +0000, Luke Marsden wrote:
> Thanks for your email, Chuck.
> > > Conversely, if a page *does not* occur in the resident
> > > memory of any process, it must not occupy any space in the active +
> > > inactive lists.
> > 
> > Hmm...if a process gets swapped out entirely, the pages for it will be moved 
> > to the cache list, flushed, and then reused as soon as the disk I/O completes. 
> >   But there is a window where the process can be marked as swapped out (and 
> > considered no longer resident), but still has some of it's pages in physical 
> > memory.
> There's no swapping happening on these machines (intentionally so,
> because as soon as we hit swap everything goes tits up), so this window
> doesn't concern me.
> I'm trying to confirm that, on a system with no pages swapped out, that
> the following is a true statement:
>         a page is accounted for in active + inactive if and only if it
>         corresponds to one or more of the pages accounted for in the
>         resident memory lists of all the processes on the system (as per
>         the output of 'top' and 'ps')

The pages belonging to vnode vm object can be active or inactive or cached
but not mapped into any process address space.
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