Millions of small files: best filesystem / best options

Alessio Focardi alessiof at
Fri Jun 1 16:47:53 UTC 2012

> Instead of creating a *FILE* at /AA/BB/CC/DD, create a symlink.

This is one of the most valuable suggestions I have received so far!!!

Going to test it in a few hours, I guess I will have to format the partition to be mostly composed of inodes, right?

Is not that clear how it can be accomplished using the formula

-i number of bytes per inode
	     Specify the density of inodes in the file system.	The default is
	     to create an inode for every (4 * frag-size) bytes of data space.
	     If fewer inodes are desired, a larger number should be used; to
	     create more inodes a smaller number should be given.  One inode
	     is required for each distinct file, so this value effectively
	     specifies the average file size on the file system.

maybe should "number of bytes for inode" (make an inode every X number of bytes) be set to 1?

really tnx!!!

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