About QUOTA support in stock kernel (resent)

Kirk McKusick mckusick at mckusick.com
Tue Dec 25 16:49:18 UTC 2012

I agree with your decision to include quotas by default. When I put
them into the system back in the mid-1980's we had two 1 MIP machines
with 4Mb of memory that supported the entire Computer Science
department at Berkeley. Machine cycles and memory were at a premium
and *any* overhead had to be justified. So I made sure that quotas
were as lean and light weight as I could. In this day-and-age of
huge memories and blindingly fast CPUs including quotas seems like
a good idea. Not a lot of folks use them, but those that do would
like to have them available. And for those that want a tiny footprint
(embedded), they can easily strip them out.

	Kirk McKusick

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