panic while zfs scrubbing

Roger Hammerstein cheeky.m at
Thu Aug 23 15:45:22 UTC 2012

> Could you please try the following commands:
> zdb -R zzzz c:9ED3550D:E00:di
> zdb -R zzzz c:1058017F:E00:di
> ?
> Their output would probably be large, so you could upload it somewhere and post links.

 zdb -R zzzz c:9ED3550D:E00:di
Invalid block specifier: c:9ED3550D:E00:di  - offset must be a multiple of sector size

 zdb -R zzzz c:1058017F:E00:di
Invalid block specifier: c:1058017F:E00:di  - offset must be a multiple of sector size

sorry, the man page isn't immediately helpful for me to guess at alternatives to -R


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