ZFS question - clones vs dedupe

Ivan Natchkov ivan.natchkov at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 11:02:43 UTC 2011

Hello to everyone,

I have the following situation. EVA 4000 with 3T disk space and one
oracle DB 1,2T on a different storage. On our EVA we must keep copy of
this DB with non stop applying of archive logs. In addition we need
3-4 development DB's plus 3-4 test DB's which are copies of the
original 1,2T DB and are stored on the EVA. We are thinking about 2
scenarios. 1) 8 clonings with keeping differences between the clonings
2) to have 8 different DB made with zfs send/receive on the same
storage with deduplication switch ON.

In both scenario we want the DB with applying logs to be with dedupe
switched off because of the performance issues.

I have 20 Gigs of RAM and the DDT table is possible to be kept in it
with some tuning of sysctl.

Which scenario would you recommend in terms of performance?

Regards: Ivan

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