Why not just name the cam-ata devices the same as the old, names?

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Wed Apr 27 18:55:18 UTC 2011

Hello, Miroslav.
You wrote 27 апреля 2011 г., 17:52:16:

>> What should be done, ideally before the 9.0 release is to find some sane
>> resolution method of what happens when you happen to have two (for
>> example) 'root' UFS labels during boot/mount time.
> ...and that's the problem with labels in case of gmirror.
> When you create gm0 of ada0 and ada1, then sometime in the future ada0
> timedout and is dropped by gmirror, on next reboot you will have same 
> partitions available on device /dev/ada0 and /dev/mirror/gm0 so there 
> will be two devices promoting same labels! I don't know the order of 
> tasting devices, but there is a chance that system will boot (mount root
> by label) from broken ada0 instead of gm0.
   Even without broken mirror, in case of perfectly valid reboot,
glabel could pick-up label first (before gmirror) from one of (both
are non-broken) mirror components, and after that gmirror builds
itself from one true component (ada0, for example) and one
label-provided (instead of ada1) :(

  So, UFS labels CAN NOT BE MIXED with gmirror...

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at FreeBSD.org>

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